Friday, October 29, 2010


Sometimes I start worrying that all my decisions are predetermined by a tendency toward self-sabotage that I don't always remember I have.  This is one of the days when it becomes evident that I need a better form of escapism than gin and Coen Brothers' films.

1 comment:

  1. Predermination is about as real as Santa Claus or God, if you take it from a purely scientific viewpoint. Emotionally, the answer is verbally the same, but symbolically different.

    I live my life by this motto: The Absurd is more rational than the real.

    This is in part a joke within the theatre community about Theatre of the Absurd (read some plays by Eugene Ionesco (my favorite) or Samuel Beckett as examples), but also incredibly true. The more absurd I behave, the more absurd I feel, the more real I am. No facades, no pretty prose, just reality - seen through an absurd eye.

    I hope this makes sense.
